How to divide fractions?

Gefragt von: Herr Prof. Dr. Ramazan Schmitz
sternezahl: 4.5/5 (30 sternebewertungen)

Quick tip: How to divide fractions by whole numbers
Another quick and easy way to divide fractions by whole numbers is simply to multiply the bottom number of the fraction by the whole number.

How do you divide fractions examples?

Dividing Fractions
  1. Example: 1 2 ÷ 1 6. Turn the second fraction upside down (it becomes a reciprocal): 1 6 becomes 6 1. ...
  2. Another Example: 1 8 ÷ 1 4. Turn the second fraction upside down (the reciprocal): 1 4 becomes 4 1. ...
  3. Example: 2 3 ÷ 5. Make 5 into 5 1 : 2 3 ÷ 5 1. ...
  4. Example: 3 ÷ 1 4. Make 3 into 3 1 : 3 1 ÷ 1 4.

What are the 3 steps to dividing fractions?

How to divide fractions in 3 easy steps
  1. Flip (or invert) the divisor into a reciprocal.
  2. Change the division sign to a multiplication symbol and multiply.
  3. Simplify your answer if possible.

How do you divide fractions and whole numbers?

To divide a fraction by a whole number, multiply the bottom of the fraction by the whole number. The denominator on the bottom of this fraction is 7. We will multiply 7 by 2. 7 × 2 = 14 and so, 6 / 7 ÷ 2 = 6 / 14 .

What does it mean to divide fractions?

A fraction is part of a whole number. It has two parts – a numerator and a denominator. Dividing a fraction. Dividing a fraction by another fraction is the same as multiplying the fraction by the reciprocal (inverse) of the other.

Math Antics - Dividing Fractions

39 verwandte Fragen gefunden

What is 3/4 divided by 2 in a fraction?

Answer: 3/4 divided by 2 in the fraction is equal to 3/8.

What is 4 divided by half?

In other words - four divided by one half = eight.

Why do we multiply when dividing fractions?

First, we divided by the numerator to get a unit fraction. Then we multiplied by the denominator to get the whole. When students repeat this process, first in context, then in more general cases, they will recognize the pattern. When someone recognizes the pattern, celebrate!

Can 8 be divided by 2?

Using a calculator, if you typed in 8 divided by 2, you'd get 4.

How do you find 1/4 of a fraction?

One fourth is equivalent to the fraction: 1/4. Therefore, it is a quarter of an amount. Fourths are calculated by dividing by 4.

What grade do you learn dividing fractions?

In grades 5 and 6, students learn how to multiply and divide fractions. Below we are going to tackle dividing a fraction by a fraction. It can be tricky to learn, but with some simple rules to follow, students can master these equations.