How to divide fractions with whole numbers?

Gefragt von: Hans-J. Seifert
sternezahl: 4.3/5 (24 sternebewertungen)

Quick tip: How to divide fractions by whole numbers
Another quick and easy way to divide fractions by whole numbers is simply to multiply the bottom number of the fraction by the whole number.

How do you divide a whole number by a fraction in front?

Dividing Fractions By Whole Numbers
  1. Multiply the bottom number of the fraction by the whole number.
  2. Simplify the fraction (if needed)

How do you divide fractions and mixed numbers?

To divide mixed fractions, you could first convert each to an improper fraction. Then, switch to a multiplication problem by multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. Simplify and convert your answer back to a mixed fraction to get your answer!

What is Bodmas rule in maths?

The BODMAS rule is an acronym to help children remember the order of mathematical operations – the correct order in which to solve maths problems. Bodmas stands for B-Brackets, O-Orders (powers/indices or roots), D-Division, M-Multiplication, A-Addition, S-Subtraction.

How do you add fractions with different bases?

Here's the traditional way to add fractions with two different denominators:
  1. Find the LCM of the two denominators. Suppose you want to add the fractions 3/4 + 7/10. ...
  2. Increase the terms of each fraction so that the denominator of each equals the LCM. ...
  3. Substitute these two new fractions for the original ones and add.

Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers | How to Divide a Fraction by a Whole Number

27 verwandte Fragen gefunden

How do you divide fractions with different denominators?

To divide fractions, regardless of the denominators, flip the second fraction (the divisor) upside down and then multiply the result with the first fraction (the dividend).

How do multiply fractions?

There are 3 simple steps to multiply fractions
  1. Multiply the top numbers (the numerators).
  2. Multiply the bottom numbers (the denominators).
  3. Simplify the fraction if needed.

What is a whole in math?

Whole Numbers The numbers that include natural numbers and zero. Not a fraction or decimal.